We invite you to the 60’ online workshop “How to adapt to a new culture without losing your identity”, which is an introduction to the Global Dexterity Method. What does it mean to be a global worker and a true “citizen of the world” today? In reality, it means you are able to adapt your behaviour to conform to new cultural contexts without losing your authentic self in the process. Not only is this difficult, it’s a frightening prospect for most people and something completely outside their comfort zone. For almost a year, we have been offering an online course Global Dexterity Train the Trainer Program, which offers coaches & trainers the tools that they need to help clients to adapt behaviour to new cultural contexts without losing themselves in the process. Based on more than a decade of research, teaching, and consulting with managers & executives around the world, this course reveals an approach to adapting while feeling comfortable – an essential skill that enables you to switch behaviours and overcome the emotional and psychological challenges of doing so. During our workshop, we would like share some insights from the Global Dexterity Method and information about the Global Dexterity Train the Trainer Program.

During this 60′ session participants will reflect on their one specific cross-cultural experience, through the lenses of Global Dexterity Method, using the first step from the Method – which is “diagnosing your cultural code”. The workshop is dedicated to: – professionals working in global context, who are willing to reflect on their cross-cultural experience – trainers, coaches and teachers, who would like to know more about the Global Dexterity Method. The workshop will be facilitated by Melissa Hahn & Kinga Białek, who are involved in the development of the Global Dexterity Train the Trainer Program and practitioners of the Global Dexterity Method.

Kinga Białek & Melissa Hahn

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Melissa Hahn specializes in global dexterity, which is the ability to adapt across cultures without losing oneself in the process. She works independently at Hahn Cultural Consulting, is a contracted consultant with NetExpat, and is a member of the Global Dexterity Leadership Team. She previously served as the Education Coordinator at Young SIETAR, wrote an intercultural children’s book, and contributes cross-cultural articles at Harvard Business Review. She also has worked extensively with international students, immigrants, and refugees in the U.S. as an English teacher, refugee program coordinator, and mentor. She has a M.A. in Intercultural Relations, a B.A. in Russian Area Studies, and studied Central and Eastern European Studies at Jagiellonian University in Kraków.

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Kinga Białek is cross-cultural psychologist and intercultural trainer. Since year 2000 Kinga has been specialising in implementation of cross-cultural trainings and consultancy services, which aim to develop cross-cultural competence. 

She specialises in building the dialogue between people with different cultural background, in strengthening the capacities of migrating people (expats, migrants, refugees – children, youths and adults) and in aligning organizational culture and local policy in terms of cultural diversity. She has over 20 years of experience in training, needs analysis and evaluation of the training process.